Comfort Food: Baked Chicken Meatballs


I tend to shy away from posting recipes because I’m not a food photographer. I make food to eat it.  It doesn’t tend to last long enough to photograph.  There’s also a part of me that thought it’d all been done before.  Looking for allergy friendly recipes, however, I realized that’s not true.  There’s not nearly enough allergy friendly recipes out there, particularly when taking multiple allergies into account.  As such, I’m willing to try and undertake the task of attempting not to stuff my face the second food comes out of the oven.  Good recipes deserve good photos.



Baked Chicken Meatballs
(adapted from this recipe at smitten kitchen)
1/3 uncooked brown  rice (or amount to make 1 cup cooked)
1/3 coconut (or other non-dairy milk)
1/3 water

You may need to adjust the amount of liquid to suit the rice you’re using. Combine in a sauce pan.  Bring to a boil, reduce to a simmer and cook for 20-30 minutes until rice is soft.  Stir occasionally toward the end to stop the coconut milk from burning the bottom of the rice.  For a grain free alternative quinoa should work as a substitute for the rice. 

3-4 slices of bacon/turkey bacon/ham (chopped in small pieces)
1 small onion (diced)
1 clove garlic (chopped fine)
1 pound ground turkey
3 TBSP parsley 
1 egg
2 TBSP tomato paste (set aside half) 

Brown the onions, garlic, and the bacon in a pan until the onions are soft.  Set aside until rice is cooked.  After rice and the onion mixture have cooled, combine all ingredients.  Divide and shape into 12 meatballs.

Brush tops with a mixture of 1 TBSP of tomato paste and 2 TBSP of water.

Bake at 375* (I use a glass 9x13) in the top third of your oven for 20-25 minutes until cooked through.  Enjoy!

Summer, summer


Despite the cats' incessant needs to cuddle, summer has arrived and is in full swing. I'm contemplating moving into my bath tub permanently (or installing a pool for my bed). Lying sprawled out on my floor listening to the neighbors mow their lawn yet again (can you believe they had to start in March?!) I'm attempting to kick this early summer off with a bit of optimism. As such I thought I'd put together an extended 'these things go together' list. 

summer reads  summer dress
summer candles
summer food  chocolate-strawberries-houston

sources on the click-throughs :)


Girls in Trucks is an awesome read, period.  With it’s summery southern setting and wonderful humor, it’s perfect for this time of year.

I love any excuse to wear a dress and summer with it’s warm weather has a perfect excuse every day.

Remembering to pick up a new pair of gardening gloves or hiking boots is never hard, finding a good alternative to chemical laden bug sprays is, which is why I love citronella candles.

Green smoothies, I honestly can’t say enough about them.  They’re my favorite summer food, ranging from something as simple as kale, coconut oil and a bit of orange juice to something a bit more complicated, they’re all amazing.  One of my favorites at the moment can be found here.

Over the last couple of years I’ve developed a bad habit of eating through strawberries by the bowl.  It’s a delicious if expensive habit I indulge because I only buy mine in season, a season which doesn’t last nearly long enough.  To help my strawberries stick around a bit longer I’ll occasionally dress them up, making a pie or topping them with a bit of homemade nutella.

I discovered The Staves when they toured last year with The Civil Wars and have recently fallen madly for them.  There’s something homey and warm about their harmonies, a sound that at the same time is somehow airy and breezy like a nice summer wind.  They’re the perfect soundtrack to hazy summer days.