Adele:: 21

::Adele:: 21

About the Album:
This is Adele's second album although the first one I got my hands on. The only things more awesome than the songs on the album is are the live performances plastered all over the internet. The only complaint I have about the album is that in order to listen to it properly you have to crank the volume all the way up. All the way.

First Encounter:
It's hard to tell anymore who's fault it is that I got addicted. It all started with Rolling in the Deep. I'd heard a couple of her other songs before that but hadn't paid much attention (I was clearly insane).

Favorite Songs: 
This really is not a fair assessment as every single song blows my mind. That being said I tried to pick out the best fits for the next couple of sections.

Set Fire To The Rain- 'Rumor Has It' may have been my first favorite off the album but this song- I have such a soft spot for piano which I know doesn't help. There's something so incredibly powerful about the lyrics and the chorus is beyond amazing. It had almost 300 plays in less than a (musicless finals) week. It would have more but it's the only part of my reward system that seems to actually motivate me to do anything.

Turning Tables- It still surprises me how soft this song is given how powerful it is emotionally.

Rumor Has It- Fun, catchy, upbeat. You can really dig into his one and have a good time.

He Won't Go- This is my kind of love song. It's not Disney fluffy. It's real, it's all hardship and devotion. I love it.

Least Favorites:
HAHAHA that's funny.

Favorite Lyrics:
My hands, they were strong, but my knees were far too weak To stand in your arms without falling to your feet -Set Fire to the Rain

Under haunted skies I see you, ooh, Where love is lost, your ghost is found -Turning Tables

Other Songs:
From the enormous number of live performances I'd have to say I love I Just Want to Make Love to You most of all. Along with that, everything else on the album live or not. Seriously. Here's a song list. As for her first album, 19, here's a list of my favorites:
Make You Feel My Love
Chasing Pavements
Hometown Glory
My Same

I'm hoping to have an album review up soon because I've so much to say about a couple of those.

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