Wordless Wednesday- March 17th

This week's WIP


  1. Very appropriate for this week!

    Now, uh, I'm a-gonna say something and I don't want you to kill me, k?

    You ready?

    Someone directed me to this group on Flickr, called sixty-four colours. Every week they pull out a crayola crayon colour and you have to photograph this colour. This week is 'robin's egg blue' (your chalk made me think of it). I've been thinking of having a go - what do you think?


  2. "I don't want you to kill me, k?" Becca would I ever do such a thing? Scratch that. I would never do such a thing.

    What do I think re: you giving it a go? Do you have to ask that hehe. Of course you should, right now! What do I think re: my photo being a crayola crayon? Well erm since it's sorta is crayon (it's a mix between a colored pencil and grease pen...just checked and I guess it really is a crayon. *sighs* I like chalk but I end up looking like someone took a couple of chalk erasers to me...

    PS- ILU! Just in case you forgot...or something ;)

  3. I didn't think it looked like crayon, I meant that the COLOUR was robin's egg blue, lol.

    I know you won't really kill me, but I imagine you can work up a pretty good 'quit with the projects' glare if you wanted to :D

    PS - ILU2! Just in case you didn't get the homing pigeon I sent ;)

  4. I knew what you meant but it's kind of hard to argue with logic like that ;) robin egg blue crayon is robin egg blue crayon.

    *thinks* next time I shall try how's that?

    PS- or the telegraph :D
