30 Days of Knitting: Day 1

What was your first finished project? 

I could make you a list of the zillions of projects that I started and frogged or flat out never finished but I can't tell you what the first project I finished was.  I know I spent ages knitting and frogging my first swatch....

The first project I know for certain I actually finished was my Monmouth Cap mock up for a school project (it was a bit more than a project but we'll go with that anyway).  Granted by this point I happily knit away on dpn's (thanks to the half dozen socks I had started) so I must have finished something by that point.

The cap was made following a pattern by Jennifer Carlson (Rav Link).  The yarn used is a double strand of white acrylic I'd been gifted.  It makes for a headache of a knitting experience and a useless hat but the material is wonderfully smooth and drapey.

Monmouth Cap II

Monmouth Cap IV

Monmouth Cap III

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